Delivering comfort in the most challenging environments.

Proudly designed and manufactured in the UK since 1999.

Craig Leslie

Craig Leslie
One of the youngest kayakers to circumnavigate Britain

“Reed Chillcheater is a quintessentially British company built on traditional values. Under Chris Reed's leadership, the company has remained steadfast in upholding these principles, resulting in a stellar reputation, exceptional products, all manufactured in the UK by a dedicated team who deeply care about the company's ethos and mission.

I am just one of the many individuals that Chris Reed has supported over the years, and the impact of his generosity is immense, even when it might not be immediately obvious.

In around 2007, when I was 17 years old, I was introduced to sea kayaking by Tom Thomas, a great guy who generously shared his time and knowledge. He knew Chris personally and was an ambassador for Reed ChillCheater gear. Tom held Chris – ‘Reedy’ – in high regard, so I knew he was a top guy before ever we met him. Creating top-notch paddling gear that we aspired to own was not the only thing that impressed us. We were told that in a previous business he ingeniously navigated the rules that hindered fervent football supporters from entering bars in their team jerseys, simply by designing and selling collared shirts in club colours. What a brilliant idea! Being a Northern lad brought up in a footy-loving household, this elevated Chris to legend status.

Tom Thomas, our kayak coach, was a rigorous trainer, and we often found ourselves breaking ice during rescue practices wearing old club long john wetsuits with polyester fleeces from ASDA. It's no wonder we yearned for a set of Transpire fleeces and a paddle suit; I recall eagerly browsing the website, filling baskets, and dreaming about checking out.

In 2011, my brother, Lee Wilson (a friend), and I made the bold decision to attempt a circumnavigation of Great Britain in sea kayaks. Despite lacking reputation, funds, and proper equipment, after a conversation with Tom our coach, Chris generously offered to outfit the three of us. This gesture felt like Christmas; it was more than just gear — it was an endorsement, making us feel like true sponsored paddlers. Later, we were offered kayaks by another sea kayak legend, Nigel Dennis, turning the dream of three young lads into a tangible reality. Our journey, 'With Land on Our Left,' made us the first people to circumnavigate Great Britain anticlockwise.

Chris, among others, made this feat possible, shaping our lives in ways we could never have foreseen. We owe Chris a great deal, although he has never held that over us in any way.

Since then, we have been fortunate to know Chris better—a supportive, kind, and humorous individual. Chris's support has led us all to eventually work in sea kayaking. My brother, Stuart Leslie, is a professional guide, I work for Sea Kayaking UK, and through the sport I love, I met my wife, Lizzie (Nigel Dennis’s daughter). Lee Wilson, who was a kayak guide in Scotland, has since become a police officer.”


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