Proudly designed and manufactured in the UK since 1999.

Delivering comfort in the most challenging environments.

James Manke

James Manke
International Greenland rolling guru with a cult following. Multiple gold medalist at the Greenland Games (Olympics!)


Reed Chillcheater has been an integral part of my kayaking journey from the very beginning! It’s my go-to gear when travelling the world and teaching, thanks to its lightweight, packable versatility. While on the move, it’s crucial that my gear not only keeps me warm but also dries quickly, helping to keep luggage weight to a minimum.

Having spent personal time with Chris, I can confidently say he is an outstanding, witty individual. His unmatched attention to detail, both in product design and customer service, truly sets him apart in his own class. Chris has always been there to support me, and for that, I am endlessly grateful.

Here’s to another 25 years of outstanding business and adventure!



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