Proudly designed and manufactured in the UK since 1999.

Delivering comfort in the most challenging environments.

Frode Wiggen

Frode Wiggen
Extreme athlete and Norway rolling expert


“When I started to paddle I soon realised that I loved Greenland rolling.  Since I live in Northern Norway, I needed the right gear to keep me safe and warm.  The water is cold all year long so this is essential! 

I soon bought a Reed Tuiliq custom-made for my Greenland kayak - a Great fit, and I had no water inside my kayak so I could work on my rolls, even in winter time. 

To keep my body warm I have used Reed Transpire fleece and Greenland style gauntlets.  I have tried different gloves but the gauntlets are the only thing that have kept me warm during winter time. 

More recently I have gotten more into ultra-marathon running, and I love to pull on my "pertex windcheater jacket" on the mountain tops. The jacket is thin, very light and takes minimal space in my running vest. 

Thanks Chris for keeping me warm :) ”

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