Proudly designed and manufactured in the UK since 1999.

Delivering comfort in the most challenging environments.

Justine Curgenven

Justine Curgenven
An influential Sea kayaker and Filmmaker - providing some of the most unique 'how to' videos back in the day

I can’t remember exactly when I met Chris but I can’t really remember not knowing him as part of the kayaking community. I always looked forward to seeing him at various kayaking events, like the Anglesey symposium or Scottish symposium. He’d show up in his big van with gear to sell, always with a big smile and a cheeky sense of humour. 

Reed gear is effective, good value, honest kayaking kit.

Chris is very innovative and open to ideas.  Chris also has a great community spirit, always thinking of the bigger picture than just making money - whether that’s trying to grow the industry to benefit all stakeholders, making some custom kit to help someone out or to be innovative - like a white spray skirt for Scott in Florida so he doesn’t get too hot in the sun. And employing local people. 

I have memories of him buying another clothing company that was going bust - partly to save jobs and I think he imported some paddles, or boats or some other thing to help out others - although I forget the details, this is how Chris is!

Chris helped me out when I was getting started in kayaking trips and filmmaking. Reed sponsored the first all-female circumnavigation of Tasmania - kitting me, Trys and Gemma out top-to-toe in Reed gear. He has sponsored me with various items of kit over the years. I still wear my tuliq and always take Reed waterproof socks on my trips to wear under my shoes if it’s wet.

I always carry Reed emergency hatch covers on trips and I’ve had to use them on several occasions when people have lost hatch covers. 

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